Friday, February 1, 2019

Contributing to Write.Best

Hey There!

We've been hard at work at  http://Write.Best

I've started a writers website designed to help writers write better, write more, write well, and to train others how to write!

We really need more writers.

We need you.

What is Write.Best?

It connects writers who need their books moved to the audience that will read them. The industry needs Write.Best. Hundreds of thousands of searches on Amazon go unfulfilled and are chock full of buyers remorse because of bad predictive analytics. We will give you information. Basically, we've given a computer charge of our choice.

There information to be shared.

Getting in on the ground floor happens now.

And we need is what you've already put out there yourself.

Your Press Kit should include

1) Publicity shot
2) Small blurb about yourself
3) Your best article 
4) Any publicity or press you may feel like sharing

Send them to me in a .PDF format or .docx formatted file, ready to go.

You will get your own page on the website (it's first come, first serve, at the moment).

I am cordially inviting you to participate in this opportunity to share your wisdom with the world, at no cost, because I deeply believe in the power of the written word, and I believe in you.

What you get:

What we are providing you is this: Your name, your words, your ads, and all excitement that comes along with a powerful web name and web presence. The more content you add, the more associated you will become with Write.Best, the more you will become part of the idea of what it means to be a good writer.

I'm a web-maven, .best is just starting, and i got it Write.Best for a pretty sweet deal. And now that we have the "Lamborghini" name, we need to hire the mechanics.

What we get: 

Your face, your name, your winning writing style. Your credibility to the idea that "Writers Are Successful."

We aim to have this website be EVERYTHING ANYONE NEEDS TO KNOW about writing. What does that look like? The answer is probably: "Yes."

Write.Best is going to explode... With or without you.

What's your preference?

-Quite possibly your favorite writer,

Pauly Hart

Send your press kit to

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